Friday, August 5, 2011

Humans Pushing Up Extinction Rates Faster Than Species Can Evolve

Hello everyone, now let’s talk about a sad and serious topic: humans are pushing up extinction rates faster than species can evolve. Simon Stuart, who is from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) say that predictions made by biologist EO Wilson that the extinction rate could hit 10,000 times the background rate by 2030 are bearing out.
Of the 40,168 species that the 10,000 scientists in the World Conservation Union have assessed, one in four mammals, one in eight birds, one in three amphibians, one in three conifers and other gymnosperms are at risk of extinction. The peril faced by other classes of organisms is less thoroughly analysed, but fully 40 per cent of the examined species of planet earth are in danger, including perhaps 51 per cent of reptiles, 52 per cent of insects, and 73 per cent of flowering plants.
The eminent Harvard biologist Edward O Wilson predicts that our present course will lead to the extinction of half of all plant and animal species by 2100. As we learnt in science, extinctions of species can cause the whole ecosystem to collapse and this in turn affects we humans who get our food and resources from the natural environment.
Try one or all of these suggestions to help preserve the Earth's endangered species.
1. Join one of the organisations about saving our animals.
2. Refuse to buy products that contain animal ingridients such as fur, ivory, and tortoiseshell.
3. Refuse to buy products that have been tested on animals.
4. Think about what you eat.
5. Start or join a local community effort to save an area of land used by wildlife.
6. Buy recycled paper and save paper for recycling to help conserve forested habitats. And many more!!!

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